
17 hours 1 minute ago

Contribute to Statewatch

18 hours 8 minutes ago

Statewatch is a small, non-profit organisation and our work is greatly enhanced by our network of volunteer contributors across Europe.

If you would like to contribute work to Statewatch, please read the following and contact office [at] statewatch.org.

If you would like to contact us using encrypted email, please write to secure [at] statewatch.org using the PGP key here.

Before making a submission, please read and make use of our editorial guidelines. These are designed to make our work clear, accessible and consistent.

Contributing work does not guarantee that it will be published, but we will always read contributions and respond to the author(s).

Statewatch contributors group

The Statewatch contributors group is a network of people who support our work by writing articles, providing information, translating material, or sharing contacts to support our research projects.

Anyone who is interested in supporting our work can request to join the Statewatch contributors group by filling in this form.

It is not necessary to request to join the grop to submit an article for publication. However, we will ask all authors of articles accepted for publication if they wish to join the group.

Types of contributions

We accept the following types of contributions:

  • news articles – 200-1,500 words;
  • analyses – 1,000 – 10,000 words;
  • documentation – official documents; and
  • links – to articles, reports, analyses or information relevant to Statewatch’s work.

Translations of material into English are always welcome, provided that permission is sought from the original author/publisher (where necessary).

News articles

News articles can be based on:

  • first-hand reporting;
  • reports published by NGOs, government bodies or other organisations;
  • write-ups of campaigns, protests or other actions;
  • write-ups of statements or announcements (e.g. by a campaign group);
  • write-ups of academic work;
  • official documentation;
  • official speeches; or
  • book reviews.

Examples of news articles:

News articles should report facts and other peoples' opinions, but not the author's own opinions.


Analyses should take an in-depth look at an issue or situation. An analysis should provide the author's opinion on the topic in question, as long as that opinion is backed up by evidence.

Analyses can be between 1,000 and 10,000 words in length. Please bear in mind that longer your contribution, the longer it will take us to consider it for publication.


We frequently publish official documentation, both from the EU institutions and national governments.

If you are submitting for us to publish, we would greatly appreciate a short summary of its content.

If you have material you would like to send to us securely, please write to secure [at] statewatch.org using this PGP key.


Through our bi-weekly bulletin we share links to material published by newspapers, NGOs, official bodies and other organisations. You are welcome to send us links to relevant material.

Summaries of the content of those links would be much appreciated, in particular summary translations into English.


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近年、首都圏の大学を中心に学費の値上げが相次いでいる。2019年には東京工業大学(現・東京科学大学)と東京藝術大学で授業料が値上げされ、その後、千葉大学、早稲田大学、慶應大学などでも値上げが行われた。直近では、昨年5月に東京大学が値上げを検討していることが明らかになり、同年9月には正式に値上げを発表した。東大の授業料は、現行の535,800円から約11万円増の642,960円となり、来年度の学部入学生から新たに適用される。国立大学が法人化して以降、学費は長年に亘って据え置かれてきたが、いまその流れに変化が起きている。 こうした中、学費値上げの撤廃を求める学生たちは13日、千代田区の衆議院第二議員会館で集会を開き、値上げによって学生が直面する問題点などについて報告を行った。(岩中健介)

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