rough translation
original Japanese version is here
(Statement) We Demand that the Government of Japan Oppose Israel's Invasion of Gaza and Clearly Express its Intention to Ceasefire Against the Israeli-Palestinian War
JCA-NET Board of Directors
October 29, 2023
For inquiries, please contact
Representative of the Board of Directors
Toshimaru Ogura
JCA-NET is a Japanese member of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC).
APC, a UN NGO, has requested the following 11 items, including an immediate ceasefire, to governments for the 10th UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session "Uniting for Peace".
While Israel declared that it has entered a new phase of war and launched a massive ground invasion, the Japanese government abstained from voting in this UN General Assembly resolution while the majority of countries voted in favor of a ceasefire. By abstaining, the Japanese government has effectively given its tacit approval to Israel's invasion of Gaza, and has given its blessing to the resolution of the conflict through force. We severely criticize the Japanese government's diplomatic stance.
It is inexcusable that Israel, which continues its armed occupation, violent persecution, and settlement in Palestine, has repeatedly flouted UN resolutions and continues to violate international laws. On the other hand, however, Western countries, including Japan, which opposed or abstained from this resolution, have created the genesis of the Middle East wars that broke out after World War II, and furthermore, have left Israel's barbaric acts unchecked due to their own interests. That is why the Japanese government should play a role in the international community to resolve the Palestinian issue through a thorough and peaceful diplomacy that does not involve military force.
Based on the above, JCA_NET requests the following items that APC has requested to the governments of various countries to the Japanese government as well.
APC's 11 requests to governments are as follows
1 All States to implement their duty to prevent genocide and protect civilian populations from genocide;
2 An immediate ceasefire, including but not limited to a cessation of all attacks that target or indiscriminately affect civilians and civilian infrastructure;
3 Unimpeded access to fuel and humanitarian aid to all areas in Gaza, including medical supplies, and the immediate restoration of access to food, water, electricity and other essential needs, to alleviate the humanitarian crisis;
4 An end to the 16 year-old illegal siege and closure of the Gaza Strip, which constitutes collective punishment;
5 The immediate and unconditional release of all persons deprived of liberty without due process, enabling them to return to their families – including through the assistance of neutral intermediaries such as the ICRC, who have been offering their support through traditional channels and publicly on social media;
6 The protection of human rights defenders, journalists and humanitarian workers;
7 Investigation and steps towards accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and other grave violations and abuses committed by both State and non-State actors;
8 Concrete steps to address the root causes of violations and abuses and the ongoing Israeli military aggression, including through reaffirming the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and return, and calling for an end to, and accountability for, Israeli policies and practices of apartheid and settler colonialism;
9 An immediate cessation by third States of the provision of military equipment and aid that may foreseeably be used in the commission of war crimes or otherwise contrary to international humanitarian law;
10 Clear and unequivocal calls by third States for respect for human rights and humanitarian law, denunciation of all war crimes and crimes against humanity without discrimination, and cessation of statements that may be interpreted as supporting the use of force contrary to international law; and
11 Action by the UN Security Council to implement sanctions and other countermeasures until Israel adheres to its obligations under international law.