
5 days 8 hours ago

【株暴落】市場との対話に課題 日銀の説明不足=志田 義寧

5 days 16 hours ago
 日銀に対する信頼が揺らいでいる。日経平均株価は8月5日にブラックマンデーを超える過去最大の下げ幅を記録したが、その原因のひとつに日銀のコミュニケーションを問題視する声があがっている。確かに7月の利上げは、市場の意表をついた格好となり、市場との対話に課題を残した。このところの情報漏洩(リーク)疑惑も含めて、日銀はもう少し丁寧に説明すべきだ。予想されず 日銀は7月の金融政策決定会合で15ベーシスポイントの利上げを決めた。7月会合での利上げは直前まで予想されていなかったためサプラ..

子ども甲状腺がん裁判 原発推進派がすがるUNSCEARのウソ暴いた法廷

5 days 18 hours ago
311子ども甲状腺がん裁判は9月11日、東京地裁で第11回口頭弁論が行われ、傍聴券を求め若い支援者らを含む207人が並んだ。 弁論では、甲状腺の半分を摘出した原告の1人が証言。「福島原発事故から半径100キロ圏内に住んでいた。自分の住む地域が高線量だと思っておらず、30〜40分かけて自転車で通学や買い物に出かけた。原発の方角を向いた窓を換気のため開けていた。目の前の道路を自動車が通るたび、地面から粉じんが巻き上げられていた」と当時の被ばく状況を語る。「甲状腺がんと診断された時点で10・6ミリだったがんは手術時には11・6ミリになっていた。手術後は麻酔が切れると傷口が痛んだ。再発、転移のことを考えないようにして自分の精神状態を保った」。緊張しているものの、堂々と落ち着いた陳述だ。


6 days 17 hours ago
「今日のウクライナは、明日の東アジアかもしれません」 今年4月11日、岸田首相が米国議会で行なった演説の一節である。だから、防衛予算を倍増して大軍拡をするとともに、日米同盟の防衛力を一段と強化する必要があるのです、となる。 しかし、本当に東アジアに戦争の危機が迫っているのだろうか?◆東アジアの「脅威」の実態 一昨年12月、岸田内閣が閣議決定した「安保3文書」では危機(脅威)の発生源を、ロシア、北朝鮮、中国と特定していた。 ロシアは確かにウクライナを戦火の中にたたき込んだ。だが..

[B] 「忘れられる西サハラ難民食料不足」【西サハラ最新情報」【西サハラ最新情報】  平田伊都子

6 days 18 hours ago
UNRWA(国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関)は9月11日、パレスチナ自治区ガザ中心部でUNRWA(国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関)が運営する学校の一つがイスラエル軍の空爆を受け、同機関の職員6人が殺害されたと発表しました。 毎日毎日、ガザではジェノサイドの血が流れ続けています。 ハイチは武装ギャングが支配し、スーダンは内戦が激化し、、世界中が火だるまです。 国連定例記者会見で<西サハラ>という言葉は、聞かれなくなってしまいました。

NextNav’s Callous Land-Grab to Privatize 900 MHz

6 days 18 hours ago

The 900 MHz band, a frequency range serving as a commons for all, is now at risk due to NextNav’s brazen attempt to privatize this shared resource. 

Left by the FCC for use by amateur radio operators, unlicensed consumer devices, and industrial, scientific, and medical equipment, this spectrum has become a hotbed for new technologies and community-driven projects. Millions of consumer devices also rely on the range, including baby monitors, cordless phones, IoT devices, garage door openers. But NextNav would rather claim these frequencies, fence them off, and lease them out to mobile service providers. This is just another land-grab by a corporate rent-seeker dressed up as innovation. 

EFF and hundreds of others have called on the FCC to decisively reject this proposal and protect the open spectrum as a commons that serves all.

NextNav’s Proposed 'Band-Grab'

NextNav wants the FCC to reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band to grant them exclusive rights to the majority of the spectrum. The country's airwaves are separated into different sections for different devices to communicate, like dedicated lanes on a highway. This proposal would not only give NextNav their own lane, but expanded operating region, increased broadcasting power, and more leeway for radio interference emanating from their portions of the band. All of this points to more power for NextNav at everyone else’s expense.

This land-grab is purportedly to implement a Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) network to serve as a US-specific backup of the Global Positioning System(GPS). This plan raises red flags off the bat. 

Dropping the “global” from GPS makes it far less useful for any alleged national security purposes, especially as it is likely susceptible to the same jamming and spoofing attacks as GPS.

NextNav itself admits there is also little commercial demand for PNT. GPS works, is free, and is widely supported by manufacturers. If Nextnav has a grand plan to implement a new and improved standard, it was left out of their FCC proposal. 

What NextNav did include however is its intent to resell their exclusive bandwidth access to mobile 5G networks. This isn't about national security or innovation; it's about a rent-seeker monopolizing access to a public resource. If NextNav truly believes in their GPS backup vision, they should look to parts of the spectrum already allocated for 5G.

Stifling the Future of Open Communication

The open sections of the 900 MHz spectrum are vital for technologies that foster experimentation and grassroots innovation. Amateur radio operators, developers of new IoT devices, and small-scale operators rely on this band.

One such project is Meshtastic, a decentralized communication tool that allows users to send messages across a network without a central server. This new approach to networking offers resilient communication that can endure emergencies where current networks fail.

This is the type of innovation that actually addresses crises raised by Nextnav, and it’s happening in the part of the spectrum allocated for unlicensed devices while empowering communities instead of a powerful intermediary. Yet, this proposal threatens to crush such grassroots projects, leaving them without a commons in which they can grow and improve.

This isn’t just about a set of frequencies. We need an ecosystem which fosters grassroots collaboration, experimentation, and knowledge building. Not only do these commons empower communities, they avoid a technology monoculture unable to adapt to new threats and changing needs as technology progresses.

Invention belongs to the public, not just to those with the deepest pockets. The FCC should ensure it remains that way.

FCC Must Protect the Commons

NextNav’s proposal is a direct threat to innovation, public safety, and community empowerment. While FCC comments on the proposal have closed, replies remain open to the public until September 20th. 

The FCC must reject this corporate land-grab and uphold the integrity of the 900 MHz band as a commons. Our future communication infrastructure—and the innovation it supports—depends on it.

You can read our FCC comments here.

Rory Mir