Contribute to Statewatch

1 day 7 hours ago

Statewatch is a small, non-profit organisation and our work is greatly enhanced by our network of volunteer contributors across Europe.

If you would like to contribute work to Statewatch, please read the following and contact office [at]

If you would like to contact us using encrypted email, please write to secure [at] using the PGP key here.

Before making a submission, please read and make use of our editorial guidelines. These are designed to make our work clear, accessible and consistent.

Contributing work does not guarantee that it will be published, but we will always read contributions and respond to the author(s).

Statewatch contributors group

The Statewatch contributors group is a network of people who support our work by writing articles, providing information, translating material, or sharing contacts to support our research projects.

Anyone who is interested in supporting our work can request to join the Statewatch contributors group by filling in this form.

It is not necessary to request to join the grop to submit an article for publication. However, we will ask all authors of articles accepted for publication if they wish to join the group.

Types of contributions

We accept the following types of contributions:

  • news articles – 200-1,500 words;
  • analyses – 1,000 – 10,000 words;
  • documentation – official documents; and
  • links – to articles, reports, analyses or information relevant to Statewatch’s work.

Translations of material into English are always welcome, provided that permission is sought from the original author/publisher (where necessary).

News articles

News articles can be based on:

  • first-hand reporting;
  • reports published by NGOs, government bodies or other organisations;
  • write-ups of campaigns, protests or other actions;
  • write-ups of statements or announcements (e.g. by a campaign group);
  • write-ups of academic work;
  • official documentation;
  • official speeches; or
  • book reviews.

Examples of news articles:

News articles should report facts and other peoples' opinions, but not the author's own opinions.


Analyses should take an in-depth look at an issue or situation. An analysis should provide the author's opinion on the topic in question, as long as that opinion is backed up by evidence.

Analyses can be between 1,000 and 10,000 words in length. Please bear in mind that longer your contribution, the longer it will take us to consider it for publication.


We frequently publish official documentation, both from the EU institutions and national governments.

If you are submitting for us to publish, we would greatly appreciate a short summary of its content.

If you have material you would like to send to us securely, please write to secure [at] using this PGP key.


Through our bi-weekly bulletin we share links to material published by newspapers, NGOs, official bodies and other organisations. You are welcome to send us links to relevant material.

Summaries of the content of those links would be much appreciated, in particular summary translations into English.


The silence of Italy’s Guardia di Finanza on drones deployed in the Mediterranean

1 week 5 days ago

"As much as both agencies insist that drones are «helping to save human lives», according to Chris Jones, executive director of the NGO Statewatch, the facts say otherwise: «We know that stopping migrants from reaching Italy is a priority for both Italy and the EU, and we know that one way to achieve this is by using drones to detect migrants and then send them back to Tunisia and Libya». It is up to Frontex and the Guardia di Finanza to dispel these concerns."

Full story: The silence of Italy’s Guardia di Finanza on drones deployed in the Mediterranean


Volunteer role: Social media support

2 weeks 1 day ago

Statewatch is a small team with limited resources and would like to be able to do more. Much of our impactful work is thanks to a vast network of contributors who share their time and expertise with us. Now, we are looking to expand this network to include a few individuals who can offer regular support in writing and publishing social media content. This would help us to better publicise our work and important developments related to human rights, civil liberties, and democratic standards. 


About Statewatch

We are activists, researchers, lawyers and journalists exposing state power across Europe and its borders. Our work has supported debates, movements and campaigns since 1991.

Our vision: An open Europe of democracy, civil liberties, personal and political rights, free movement, freedom of information, equality and diversity.

Our mission: To monitor, analyse and expose state activity that threatens civil liberties, human rights and democratic standards in order to inform and enable a culture of diversity, debate and dissent.


About the position

In this role, you will support the Head of Communications with the following.

  1. Populating the editorial calendar

    • Review team content input

    • Identify relevant connections between news and Statewatch work

    • Schedule content accordingly

  1. Writing accessible copy for social media:

    • Distil news into key points and collect quotes

    • Draft copy for social media content following editorial guidance

    • Ensure messaging aligns with Statewatch's mission and messaging guidelines.

    • Review edits by Head of Communications

  1. Drafting promotional graphics:

    • Use Canva templates and brand guidelines to draft graphics for social media

    • Maintain Canva folder organisation

    • Review edits by Head of Communications


Key results
  1. Regular posts promoting news and research.

  2. Consistent, accessible copy that aligns with Statewatch’s brand voice.

  3. Develop skills related to inclusive and accessible communications.


About you

We are looking for someone who:

  • Understands basic legal and political language

  • Is proficient in written communication in the English language

  • Has an interest in translating complex concepts into accessible and inclusive communications


  • Gain hands-on experience in accessible communications promoting research and journalism.

  • Work closely with a dedicated team passionate about civil liberties and human rights.

  • Make a meaningful contribution to Statewatch's work exposing state power.

  • Develop valuable skills in communication, research, and advocacy.



Time commitment: Flexible, 1-3 days per week, including regular check-in with the Head of Communications.

Starting date: Immediately.

Compensation: This is an unpaid volunteer position.

Location: Remote


How to apply:

Please send a CV and a brief statement of interest (no more than 250 words) to comms[at] We welcome alternative formats if preferred, but we ask that they be similar in length and size to a brief statement (for example, videos of no more than 2 minutes). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.


Apply to join our board

4 weeks 1 day ago

Our Board of Trustees has legal responsibility for and independent control over Statewatch's management and administration. Being a Trustee is an unpaid but crucial role, to ensure the organisation is run effectively, efficiently and in line with its founding articles and the law.

We are looking for Trustees who meet the following criteria:

  • are committed to the vision, mission and objectives of Statewatch;
  • have experience of working in the field - and with people working in the field - of human rights and civil liberties and the state in the UK, the EU, and wider Europe;
  • have an understanding of how civil society organisations work, and how they should work;
  • are able to commit to the responsibilities of being a Trustee, including by regularly reviewing documentation and paperwork, and providing inputs by email and in Trustee meetings (quarterly, online, with additional meetings as required). The term for Trustees is 3 years (renewable up to 3 times).

Please note that there are legal restrictions on who may serve as a Trustee. The board is currently co-chaired by two of the Trustees (Vicky Canning and Lilana Keith).

In particular, we are looking for people with expertise and experience in the following areas:

  • fundraising;
  • legal knowledge and expertise, particularly as regards employment and charity law;
  • organisational growth, development and improving internal policies and procedures;
  • are carrying out research and investigation, are working for civil society organisations, or are campaigners and activists on:
    • critical perspectives on counter-terrorism and securitisation;
    • addressing harms of policing and prisons;
    • anti-racism;
    • threats to civil liberties in the United Kingdom;
    • are based in, or have good knowledge of, the Central and Eastern Europe geographical region.

Our vision

An open Europe of democracy, civil liberties, personal and political rights, free movement, freedom of information, equality and diversity.

Our mission

To monitor, analyse and expose state activity that threatens civil liberties, human rights and democratic standards in order to inform and enable a culture of diversity, debate and dissent.

Our objectives

At the beginning of 2022 we adopted a new five-year strategic plan based around three overarching themes:

  • Objective 1: Strengthen civil society’s access to information
  • Objective 2: Expose and challenge new means of surveillance, coercion and control
  • Objective 3: Build a more sustainable and more effective organisation

You can read a summary of the strategic plan here.

Applicants are asked to look here and at our website generally to familiarise yourself with our work and to send us:

  1. A CV.
  2. A short statement (no more than one page) explaining what you will bring to Statewatch, including details of your involvement in similar organisations and/or related activities.
  3. A completed equality and diversity monitoring form (pdf).
  4. The contact details of two people who can provide a reference.

Please send these to Rahmatolla Tavakkoli at admin [at]

Please note that some applications will be reviewed by the whole Board of Trustees and Director of Statewatch. All information provided will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

The deadline for applications is 18:00 GMT on Monday 3 February.

Please note that we will only be able to respond to applicants who are invited for interview. We will contact interviewees by Monday 17 February.

If you have any inquiries about this role, please write to: admin [at]


L’Allemagne envisage de scruter les réseaux sociaux des demandeurs de visas Schengen

2 months ago

"Un rapport récent de l’organisation britannique de défense des libertés civiles, Statewatch, révèle que la police fédérale allemande envisage d’examiner les comptes de réseaux sociaux des individus sollicitant des visas Schengen."

Full story here.

Other coverage in:


The EU will soon have the largest hoard of biometric data on earth – and travellers could suffer

2 months 1 week ago

"From the EU’s controversial new entry rules (which will soon require non-citizens to register their fingerprints before entering the Schengen area) to the growing use of similar biometric data in airports and at the border, data harvesting is only becoming a bigger part of the travel experience, whether we like it or not. But why is it happening?

“The main reason has been the unprecedented level of state cooperation around security issues,” says Chris Jones, director of the civil liberties watchdog Statewatch. He highlights the use of numerous UN resolutions – typically backed by the US, Russia, and China – calling for the use of biometric data to combat terrorism.

Jones points to the particular example of PNR (Passenger Name Record) data, by which airlines are often mandated to record the names, passport numbers and payment details of their passengers on behalf of government authorities. The practice became compulsory for US-bound flights in the wake of 9/11 but has since expanded in reach and scope.

“The mass gathering of this data makes it easier for authorities to use algorithms to do what’s called rules-based targeting,” he says. In theory, the system is meant to help identify potential security threats. In practice, it can mean passengers being held up or grounded just because their data happens to match someone else’s."

Full article here.


Will Frontex’s expansion lead to more oversight and accountability?

2 months 1 week ago

"“On the face of it, there’s some superficial improvement,” Chris Jones, the executive director of Statewatch, an EU civil-liberties NGO, tells The Parliament.  

While Frontex has started releasing more information about its activities, Jones says that it still mainly reflects what the agency wants the public to see."

Full article here.


Statewatch is seeking new Trustees

2 months 1 week ago

We are looking for Trustees who meet the following criteria:

  • are committed to the vision, mission and objectives of Statewatch;
  • have experience of working in the field - and with people working in the field - of human rights and civil liberties and the state in the UK, the EU, and wider Europe;
  • have an understanding of how civil society organisations work, and how they should work;
  • are able to commit to the responsibilities of being a Trustee, including by regularly reviewing documentation and paperwork, and providing inputs by email and in Trustee meetings (quarterly, online, with additional meetings as required). The term for Trustees is 3 years (renewable up to 3 times).

Please note that there are legal restrictions on who may serve as a Trustee. The board is currently co-chaired by two of the Trustees (Vicky Canning and Lilana Keith).

In particular, we are looking for people with expertise and experience in the following areas:

  • fundraising;
  • legal knowledge and expertise, particularly as regards employment and charity law;
  • organisational growth, development and improving internal policies and procedures;
  • are carrying out research and investigation, are working for civil society organisations, or are campaigners and activists on:
    • critical perspectives on counter-terrorism and securitisation;
    • addressing harms of policing and prisons;
    • anti-racism;
    • threats to civil liberties in the United Kingdom;
    • are based in, or have good knowledge of, the Central and Eastern Europe geographical region.

Our vision

An open Europe of democracy, civil liberties, personal and political rights, free movement, freedom of information, equality and diversity.

Our mission

To monitor, analyse and expose state activity that threatens civil liberties, human rights and democratic standards in order to inform and enable a culture of diversity, debate and dissent.

Our objectives

At the beginning of 2022 we adopted a new five-year strategic plan based around three overarching themes:

  • Objective 1: Strengthen civil society’s access to information
  • Objective 2: Expose and challenge new means of surveillance, coercion and control
  • Objective 3: Build a more sustainable and more effective organisation

You can read a summary of the strategic plan here.

Applicants are asked to look here and at our website generally to familiarise yourself with our work and to send us:

  1. A CV.
  2. A short statement (no more than one page) explaining what you will bring to Statewatch, including details of your involvement in similar organisations and/or related activities.
  3. A completed equality and diversity monitoring form (pdf).
  4. The contact details of two people who can provide a reference.

Please send these to Rahmatolla Tavakkoli at admin [at]

Please note that some applications will be reviewed by the whole Board of Trustees and Director of Statewatch. All information provided will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

The deadline for applications is 18:00 GMT on Monday 13 January.

Please note that we will only be able to respond to applicants who are invited for interview. We will contact interviewees by Friday 31 January.

If you have any inquiries about this role, please write to: office [at]



2 months 3 weeks ago

To email us, replace [at] with @.


  • General enquiries: office [at]
  • Send us an encrypted message via: secure [at] (PGP key)

To find out how to encrypt emails, you can use the guides here.

You can find individual staff members' contact details here.

Social media


  • (00 44) 203 393 8366 (currently out of service)


  • Statewatch, MDR, 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH

Contribute material to Statewatch

We welcome submissions of material for publication on our website. See here for more information on contributing work to Statewatch.


How we are funded

3 months ago

Statewatch is currently supported by:

If you appreciate our work, please become a Friend of Statewatch - regular individual donations are the best way to keep our work trustworthy, independent and free to access.

"Statewatch is an indispensable resource for documents on civil rights and migration in the EU. We have used information gathered from Statewatch for our lawsuit against Frontex and couldn't work as efficiently without the great Statewatch database. If Statewatch didn't exist, it would have to be invented."

Arne Semsrott, Director, FragDenStaat (German freedom of information platform)


Fondettes: une galerie expose « Calais après la jungle »

3 months ago

"Mathieu Ménard a suivi et documenté depuis 2017 les transformations apportées à ce lieu: «J’ai observé et photographié le nettoyage, le désamiantage, la destruction et la renaturation. En à peine dix-huit mois, le site naturel était sorti de terre et inauguré en juin2018, en toute discrétion. Naïf les premiers mois, j’ai très vite été conscient de l’ironie que représentait cette situation. Car selon une analyse menée par l’ONG Statewatch, la renaturation ne possède que l’illusion du naturel. Cette décision a en effet été prise dans le but d’empêcher l’accès au site et des réinstallations, ce qui confirme le cynisme du retour à la nature de ce lieu que j’ai ressenti, perçu, observé et photographié.»"

Full article here (paywall), and the analysis that it mentions here.


Deutschland drängt auf EU-weite Verfolgung und Überwachung von Fahrzeugen

3 months ago

"Deutschland, Frankreich und die Niederlande setzen sich im EU-Ministerrat dafür ein, die Telekommunikationsüberwachung von Autofahrern und weiteren Insassen grenzüberschreitend zu vereinfachen. Auch das Verfolgen von Fahrzeugen mit GPS-Trackern in anderen Mitgliedsstaaten soll der Polizei erleichtert werden. Das Trio drängt dazu auf eine Reform der gesetzlichen Grundlagen für die Europäische Ermittlungsanordnung (EEA). Dies geht aus einem inoffiziellem, vertraulichen Papier vom September hervor, das das Generalsekretariat des Rats Anfang November an die zuständigen Expertengruppen des Ministergremiums geschickt und die britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Statewatch jetzt veröffentlicht hat."

Full article here, and see our story here.


Our staff and trustees

3 months 2 weeks ago

To contact individual staff members, replace [at] with @.

Chris Jones (Executive Director)

Chris has been working for Statewatch since 2010 and in September 2020 was appointed as Executive Director. He specialises in issues relating to policing, migration, privacy and data protection and security technologies.

Romain Lanneau (Consultant Researcher)

Romain Lanneau is a legal researcher based in Amsterdam, publishing on the topics of migration, asylum, and the use of new technologies for public policies. In 2021, he was selected as a Bucerius Start Up PhD Fellow for a one-year project on the theme of 'Beyond Borders'. He is a recent graduate of a research LLM on International Migration and Refugee Law from the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. In the past, he worked for several NGOs, including the largest research network on migration and refugee law in Europe, the Odysseus Academic Network.

Yasha Maccanico (Researcher)

Yasha has worked for Statewatch since 1998, providing news coverage, analysis and translations to link EU policies to events on the ground in the justice and home affairs field in several member states (UK, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Portugal). He has extensive public speaking experience in civil society and academic contexts and in 2019 completed a PhD at the University of Bristol in Policy Studies on the topic of 'European Immigration Policies as a Problem: State Power and Authoritarianism'.

McKensie Marie (Head of Communications)

McKensie joined Statewatch in early 2024 to lead its communications efforts, shaping and implementing our communications strategy. She manages external outreach and oversees all aspects of our communication work. With experience as a communications specialist, designer, copywriter, and researcher, McKensie has worked with NGOs and charities across Europe and North America. She holds a BA in Culture & Political Studies from The Evergreen State College, USA, and an MA in Cultural Encounters & Communication Studies from Roskilde University, Denmark. In addition to her communications role, McKensie conducts academic research on international development, political communication, and cultural identity.

Rahmat Tavakkoli (Finance & Administration Worker)

Rahmat joined Statewatch in September 2021 to take care of our financial and administrative procedures, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and contribute to the smooth running of the office and the organization.

  • Email admin [at]

Tony Bunyan (Founder, Director, 1991-2020; Director Emeritus, 2020-2024)

Tony passed away in September 2024. You can find our tribute to his life and work here.



Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche

Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche is Professor of Law at the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, honorarium member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and fellow of the Institut Convergence Migrations. Her researches focus on the exigencies of the rule of law and their limitations in cases of exceptions: the situations of serious crises which allow the concentration of powers and restriction of rights (e.g. the use of the state of emergency), and the areas of legal confinement which are conducive to abuses of power and rights infringements (e.g. camps and centres where migrants and refugees are detained). She is member of the editorial board of various reviews and is involved in numerous academics networks regarding human rights law. You can find more information about her activities and publications on her personal webpage.

Laure Baudrihaye-Gérard

Laure is a lawyer based in Brussels, where she works on EU and Belgian criminal justice policy. She qualified as a solicitor in London, specialised in EU law and worked in private practice in both London and Brussels before studying criminology. After participating in several academic research projects, Laure joined Fair Trials, a criminal justice watchdog, in 2018. As Legal Director for Europe, she led on EU advocacy, strategic litigation in European courts and the coordination of a European-wide network of criminal defence lawyers, civil society and academic organisations. She has also been working as a prison monitor since 2019 in a large pre-trial detention prison in Brussels, and since 2020 heads up the appeals committee that adjudicates on complaints from detained people against the prison administration.

Jonathan Bloch

Jonathan Bloch studied law at the University of Cape Town and the London School of Economics. He was politically involved in South Africa in the worker and student movement and remains active in human rights circles in the UK. From 2002 until 2014 he chaired the Canon Collins Educational and Legal Assistance Trust, one of the largest scholarship awarding organisations in South Africa. He was a councillor in the London Borough of Haringey 2002-14. He has co-authored several books on intelligence. He owns and runs a worldwide financial information business across four continents.

Victoria Canning

Victoria Canning is senior lecturer in Criminology at the University of Bristol. She has spent over a decade working on the rights of women seeking asylum, specifically on support for survivors of sexual violence and torture with NGOs and migrant rights organisations. She recently completed an ESRC Research Leaders Fellowship focussing on harmful practice in asylum systems in Britain, Denmark and Sweden, and the gendered implications thereof. Vicky has experience researching in immigration detention in Denmark and Sweden, as well as Denmark’s main deportation centre. She is currently embarking on a study of torture case file datasets with the Danish Institute Against Torture which aims to create a basis from which to better identify and thus respond to sexual torture and sexualised torturous violence with refugee survivors of torture more broadly.

Nadine Finch

Nadine was a member of the Statewatch contributors group for a number of years and also previously a trustee. She was a human rights barrister between 1992 and 2015 and an Upper Tribunal Judge from 2015 to 2020. She is now an Honorary Senior Policy Fellow at the University of Bristol and an Associate at Child Circle, a children's rights NGO based in Brussels.

Lilana Keith

Lilana Keith is PICUM’s Senior Advocacy Officer on Labour Rights and Labour migration. PICUM - the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, is a network of more than 165 organisations in 35 countries, mostly in Europe, working for human rights and social justice for undocumented migrants.

Lilana joined PICUM in 2011 and has had various roles, including leading PICUM’s work to advance the rights and inclusion of undocumented children, young people and families for many years. She has been involved in work to advance migrants’ rights since 2009, including through community development and funding. She has an academic background in international and European migration law and policy and anthropology.

1 hour 48 minutes ago
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