Victory! Ring Announces It Will No Longer Facilitate Police Requests for Footage from Users

3 months 1 week ago

Amazon’s Ring has announced that it will no longer facilitate police's warrantless requests for footage from Ring users. This is a victory in a long fight, not just against blanket police surveillance, but also against a culture in which private, for-profit companies build special tools to allow law enforcement to more easily access companies’ users and their data—all of which ultimately undermine their customers’ trust.

This announcement will also not stop police from trying to get Ring footage directly from device owners without a warrant. Ring users should also know that when police knock on their door, they have the right to—and should—request that police get a warrant before handing over footage.

Years ago, after public outcry and a lot of criticism from EFF and other organizations, Ring ended its practice of allowing police to automatically send requests for footage to a user’s email inbox, opting instead for a system where police had to publicly post requests onto Ring’s Neighbors app. Now, Ring hopefully will altogether be out of the business of platforming casual and warrantless police requests for footage to its users. This is a step in the right direction, but has come after years of cozy relationships with police and irresponsible handling of data (for which they reached a settlement with the FTC). We also helped to push Ring to implement end-to-end encryption. Ring has been forced to make some important concessions—but we still believe the company must do more. Ring can enable their devices to be encrypted end-to-end by default and turn off default audio collection, which reports have shown collect audio from greater distances than initially assumed. We also remain deeply skeptical about law enforcement’s and Ring’s ability to determine what is, or is not, an emergency that requires the company to hand over footage without a warrant or user consent.

Despite this victory, the fight for privacy and to end Ring’s historic ill-effects on society aren’t over. The mass existence of doorbell cameras, whether subsidized and organized into registries by cities or connected and centralized through technologies like Fusus, will continue to threaten civil liberties and exacerbate racial discrimination. Many other companies have also learned from Ring’s early marketing tactics and have sought to create a new generation of police-advertisers who promote the purchase and adoption of their technologies. This announcement will also not stop police from trying to get Ring footage directly from device owners without a warrant. Ring users should also know that when police knock on their door, they have the right to—and should—request that police get a warrant before handing over footage. 

Matthew Guariglia


3 months 1 week ago
 記者をめざす学生向けにジャーナリスト講座を10月から6回シリーズで開いた。その内容を報告する。                 時系列で書かない工夫★作文講座・報道の文章をどう書くか 朝日新聞・教育コーディネータ―の岡田力さんがオンラインで担当。文章論を述べた後、受講生の作文「声」を一つ一つ批評した。冒頭、「作文の秘訣」について作家・井上ひさしさんの言葉を紹介し、「自分にしか書けないこと」を書くのが肝要で、それは自分の経験を字にすることだと指摘した。            ..

[B] 軍高官、軍政支持者からもミンアウンフライン辞職要求の声 ミャンマー最前線からのレポート(4) DM生

3 months 1 week ago


3 months 1 week ago
ラクスが実施した電子帳簿保存法における「電子取引データの保存」に関する調査結果によると、電子帳簿保存法に基づく運用は、調査対象となった企業のうち約半数に満たないことが明らかになった。この調査は、電子帳簿保存法の一環である「電子取引データの保存」に焦点を当て、全国の経理担当者807人を対象に2023年12月14日から18日にかけて実施された(ラクス、ZDNET Japan)。 調査結果によると、電子帳簿保存法に則った運用をしていると回答した企業は42.3%で、前回の調査から8.5ポイント上昇したものの半数に届いていない。従業員規模別に見ると、従業員数が500人から1999人の企業では49.4%が対応しており、一方で30人から99人の企業では36.5%という差が出た。 また、電子帳簿保存法に則った運用をしている企業のうち、67.7%が対応システムを導入していることがわかった。一方で、システムを導入せずに自社運用で対応している企業では、ファイル名に規則性を持たせる手間や指定のフォルダに保存する手間が面倒だという声が挙がっているとのこと。

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オープンソースとは何か? Open Source Definition逐条解説書が公開

3 months 1 week ago
スラドの創設者としても知られる佐渡秀治氏が22日、「オープンソースとは何か? Open Source Definition逐条解説書」を公開した(Shuji Sado)。 冒頭部の説明を要約すると、 このオープンソースという用語は自由ソフトウェア(Free Software)の代替として企図され、いまでは当たり前の存在となっている。しかし、この用語が指す意味の範囲を意図的あるいは意図せずに拡大解釈しようとする動きや、言葉の意味を理解しないままにオープンソースの状態にあるソースコードの利用行為を行うことも珍しいことではなくなってきている。このため、オープンソースに関する理解を深められるよう「オープンソースの定義」を逐条的に解説していく目的で執筆されたとしている。なお、内容的には八田真行(mhatta)による「オープンソースの定義」の日本語訳に基づいて解説がおこなわれているとのこと。

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Fragging: The Subscription Model Comes for Gamers

3 months 1 week ago

We're taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different elements of copyright law and policy, addressing what's at stake and what we need to do to make sure that copyright promotes creativity and innovation.

The video game industry is undergoing the same concerning changes we’ve seen before with film and TV, and it underscores the need for meaningful digital ownership.

Twenty years ago you owned DVDs. Ten years ago you probably had a Netflix subscription with a seemingly endless library. Now, you probably have two to three subscription services, and regularly hear about shows and movies you can no longer access, either because they’ve moved to yet another subscription service, or because platforms are delisting them all together.

The video game industry is getting the same treatment. While it is still common for people to purchase physical or digital copies of games, albeit often from within walled gardens like Steam or Epic Games, game subscriptions are becoming more and more common. Like the early days of movie streaming, services like Microsoft Game Pass or PlayStation Plus seem to offer a good deal. For a flat monthly fee, you have access to seemingly unlimited game choices. That is, for now.

In a recent announcement from game developer Ubisoft, their director of subscriptions said plainly that a goal of their subscription service’s rebranding is to get players “comfortable” with not owning their games. Notably, this is from a company which had developed five non-mobile games last year, hoping users will access them and older games through a $17.99 per month subscription; that is, $215.88 per year. And after a year, how many games does the end user actually own? None. 

This fragmentation of the video game subscription market isn’t just driven by greed, but answering a real frustration from users the industry itself has created. Gamers at one point could easily buy and return games, they could rent games they were only curious about, and even recoup costs by reselling their game. With the proliferation of DRM and walled-garden game vendors, ownership rights have been eroded. Reselling or giving away a copy of your game, or leaving it for your next of kin, is no longer permitted. The closest thing to a rental now available is a game demo (if it exists) or playing a game within the time frame necessary to get a refund (if a storefront offers one). These purchases are also put at risk as games are sometimes released incomplete beyond this time limit. Developers such as Ubisoft will also shut down online services which severely impact the features of these games, or even make them unplayable.

DRM and tightly controlled gaming platforms also make it harder to mod or tweak games in ways the platform doesn’t choose to support. Mods are a thriving medium for extending the functionalities, messages, and experiences facilitated by a base game, one where passion has driven contributors to design amazing things with a low barrier to entry. Mods depend on users who have the necessary access to a work to understand how to mod it and to deploy mods when running the program. A model wherein the player can only access these aspects of the game in the ways the manufacturer supports undermines the creative rights of owners as well.

This shift should raise alarms for both users and creators alike. With publishers serving as intermediaries, game developers are left either struggling to reach their audience, or settling for a fraction of the revenue they could receive from traditional sales. 

We need to preserve digital ownership before we see video games fall into the same cycles as film and TV, with users stuck paying more and receiving not robust ownership, but fragile access on the platform’s terms.

Rory Mir