木村愛二の生活と意見 2001年4月 から分離





送信日時 : 2001年 4月 8日 日曜日 1:15 AM
件名 : アラブ知識人の14人連名は偽造の告発

 本日[実は前日の間違い]夕刻、極めて重要な転送情報が入りましたので、急ぎ、英文を全文送ります。簡略な説明だけにしますが、主旨は、先のベイルート「歴史見直し論とシオニズム」会議の中止に関して、開催に反対した「アラブの知識人14人」の連名なるものが、何と、「偽造された」(FABRICATED) ものだったという告発です。

 日本国内でも、私自身が拙著『湾岸報道に偽りあり』で日本語版から引用したこと もある『イスラム報道』の著者、エドワード・サイードが、この連名に加わっていることを、鬼の首でも取ったように騒いだ某大学教授がいましたが、このサイード本人が、騙されたと怒っているのです。その手紙が最後にあります。



April 2, 2001
Edward Said Repudiates Arab Intellectuals' Call to Ban Beirut Revisionism Conference
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 200114:28:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ibrahim Alloush
Reply-To: Al-Awda@yahoogroups.com

 Dear List members, Below you shall find a message from Edward Said on the banning of the conference of revisionist historians.

 As you all know, that conference was supposed to take place in Beirut on March 30. However, the Lebanese government banned it as a result of pressures from Western governments and the Zionist movement.

 A statement by fourteen Arab intellectuals calling on the Lebanese government to ban the conference of revisionist historians in Beirut was circulated in the media and on the internet. That alleged statement was used as a political cover to justify the banning of the conference and the curtailing of free speech rights.

 It seems, however, that the statement was FABRICATED according to a statement by Dr. Edward Said below.

 The original text read to signatories over the phone was different from the one published in the press. Edward Said says he still does not have a copy of either texts. Many of the signatories did not know that they will be signing a request to an Arab government to ban free speech.

 Initial contacts with Mahmoud Darwish indicate the same, even though there is no document like the one below to prove that yet. This journalistic scoop was made by Samaa Abu Sharar, the daughter of Majed Abu Sharar, the Central Committee member of Fateh who was assassinated in Rome in 1981.

 Samaa is a journalist living in Amman, Jordan, who writes in English and French. She was out to prove that even if Edward Said disagreed with revisionist historians, he could have never signed the statement calling for banning their conference, which constitutes a violation of free speech rights.

 After all, Arab regimes don't need much encouragement in this area. Below you shall find Edward Said's response to Samaa Abu Sharar's query. Please be aware that he authorized her to quote him in part or in full, and hence, she forwarded his message to others to make her point.

 In the cause of objectivity, I am forwarding it to those who supported the banning of the conference of revisionist historians in Beirut without any alterations. I still think, however, that it is incumbent upon those whose names were added to a statement that they did not endorse, to MAKE A PUBLIC DECLARATION to that effect.


 Ibrahim Alloush

From: Edward W Said
To: samaa Abu-Sharar
Subject: Re: A message from Amman
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 07:15:17 -0400 (EDT)

 Dear Samaa, I don't have and never saw the memo since I was called by phone, told that there was no time to send a copy for me to see, and was asked to approve the text for signature. I did, on condition that there would be no appeal to any government concerning the banning of the conference.

 I don't believe

a), in addressing governments and

b), asking governments to ban anything, least of all conferences, books, etc.

 Having been the victim of such governmental decisions I couldn't put myself in such a position. I was very clear about this.

 The next thing I knew is that the statement appeared with a request to Hariri's government to ban the conference. All I had agreed to sign was a statement denouncing the holding of such a conference in Beirut.

 To repeat, I did not ask the government to ban it, nor would I ever. This request was added against my wishes, and without my knowledge. I am deeply opposed to holocaust-deniers but I am equally opposed to banning by government edict everyone's right to free speech.

 This was a terrible breach of confidence and a small group of franco-arab "intellectuals" simply betrayed my trust. To this day they haven't had the decency to send me a copy of what I supposedly signed.

You may use any and all of the information I've sent you here.
Edward Said


送信日時 : 2001年 4月 10日 火曜日 7:34 AM
件名 : アラファト政権公式放送でホロコースト嘘批判






 次の記事の見出し、ANOTHER TACKは、普通の平凡な訳なら、「従来と異なるやり方」でしょうが、tackには、「[俗]くず、下らない作品」の意味もあるので、「手を変え品を変え下らない手品」といったような罵倒の意味を含めたのかもしれません。一応、従来と異なるやり方/悪魔のような偽善行為」として置きます。全体としては、ホロコースト見直し論を遠回りに「ナチ」と決めつける粗雑な論調なのですが、その主張の根拠として一応は、パレスチナでの「ホロコーストの嘘批判」状況を、書かざるを得なくなるわけです。


Jerusalem Post March 29, 2001
ANOTHER TACK: Fiendish hypocrisy I
By Sarah Honig

[中略] [以下、なるべく原文の文脈に沿って訳し、註を加えた:木村愛二]

 昨年の11月29日、パレスチナ・メディア監視がアラファト政権の公式テレビの「教育放送特別番組」を録画した。ガザのイスラム大学の歴史家で、「ユダヤ教の専門家」として著名なイッサム・シッサレム博士が、「ユダヤ人が各所で殺されたとか、ホロコーストがあったとかいう説の嘘が表面化した。これらは確認されていない主張だ。ヘウムノも、ダッハウも、アウシュヴィッツも、[大量虐殺の場としては] 存在しなかった。それら[大量虐殺を目的としたガス室と主張されている場所]は、消毒室だった」と熱心に主張した。

  Last November 29 the Palestinian Media Watch recorded an "educational broadcast special" on Arafat's official TV. Dr. Issam Sissalem, Gaza's Islamic University historian and reputed "expert on Judaism," contended that "lies surfaced about Jews being murdered here and there and the Holocaust. These are all unfounded claims. No Chelmno, no Dachau, no Auschwitz existed. They were disinfection sites."


  Jewish deceptions were intended to help establish Israel, "this foreign entity, implanted as a cancer in our country. They always portrayed themselves as victims and made a Center for Heroism and Holocaust Whose heroism? Heroism is ours and the holocaust was against our people."  

 全文を御覧になりたい方は、次の中の「Beirut Conference 2001」のさらに中の 「The Jerusalem Post sees through Edward Said's condemnation of the Conference -- March 29, 2001」を御覧下さい。

➡ アメリカの歴史見直し研究所の電網宝庫