Monday July 7, 2008
Start: 09:00
End: 12:00
Event in The International Solidarity Days
Greens Kansai
[Conference Report of Citizen Environment Summit at KOBE]
★9:00∼12:00 July 7th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Language: Japanese & English
We are going to report about the Civil Environment Summit in Kobe, in 24-25 May. This summit was held mainly
by citizens. In the summit, our motto was "Our olanet earth, Decide by our selves. -Don't decide only by
Ai Nonoue(a city councilor of Takatsuki , Osaka )
Satoshi Onda(a representative of the Civil Environmental Summit)
We are started working on 16 February, 2008.
Kansai Greens are consisted of 20 members of the citizens and local councilors.
We are acting for achievement of the green governance.
Especially, the think-tank part is working to make the society "Green" through researching green's politic.
We have been succeeded the "civil environment" summit in Kobe in May.
2008 February, Study meeting
Start: 10:00
End: 13:00
Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
Event title: Workshop on female workers and FTA
Date and venue: Monday 7 July, 10:00-13:00, at 'Kaigi-shitsu (Meeting Room)
', 'Gakujutsu Koryu Kaikan (Academic Exchange Center)', Hokkaido University campus
Organized by: CAW(Committee for Asian Women), FAX 04-2949-5231
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
resented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)
Starvation and Food Crisis Seminar
(Press Conference at the same time)
★7th July(Mon) 10:00-12:00/Kaderu2・7 seminar room 520 (N 2, W 7, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city)/Admission Free
Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)
Start: 13:00
End: 16:00
Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
Event title: Workshop on women in informal sector Content:Informalization of women's labour in Asia Date and
venue: Monday, 7 July 13:00-16:00, at 'Kaigi-shitsu (Meeting Room) #3', 'Gakujutsu Koryu Kaikan (Academic
Exchange Center)', Hokkaido University campus Organized by: CAW(Committee for Asian Women), FAX04-2949-5231
Start: 15:00
End: 18:00
Presented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)
Mass Campaigning and Demonstration against G8
★7th July(Mon) 15:00-18:00/W 6 square in Oodori Park (Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city)/Admission Free
Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)
Start: 15:00
Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
[Demonstration against G8]
★July 7, Rally at 15:00, Demonstration at 17:00/Odori-Park Nishi 6 chome
Start: 16:00
End: 19:00
Event title: Women and HIV/AIDS in Africa
Date and venue: Monday, 7 July 16:00-19:00, at the Hall , 'Gakujutsu Koryu Kaikan (Academic Exchange
Center)', Hokkaido University campus
Organized by: to be decided
Contact via space Allies
4-5-20-5A Minamiyawata, Ichikawa-shi,Chiba-ken 272-0023, FAX 047-320-3553
Tuesday July 8, 2008
Start: 15:00
End: 17:00
Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
[Closing ceremony]
★15:00∼17:00 July 8th/Higashi Kumin Center Hall
Global social movements publish Sapporo Statement against the G8 Toyako after recognizing four days'
successful counter-activities and discussion.
Start: 18:00
End: 21:00
Presented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)
Closing Ceremony
★8th July(Tue) 18:00-/Nature Learning Center Pal (Kitamura, Iwamizawa-city)
Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)
Wednesday July 9, 2008
Start: 09:30
End: 10:30
Date: July 9th
Time: 9:30 - 10:30
Place: Civil Media Center
Clark Memorial Hall at University of Hokkaido
Walden Bello (Focus on the Global South)
Joseph Zacune(Friends of the Earth International)
Md.Shamsuddoha(Jubilee South)
Indra Lubis (La Via Campesina)
Yoko Akimoto(ATTAC Japan)
and more
Organizer: G8 Action Network/Working Group on International People's Solidarity Days
Contact: Yukiko Kaname
Start: 10:00
End: 11:00
Presented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)
Press Conference (Hokkaido Declaration)
★9th July(Wed) 10:00-11:00
Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)
