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« Saturday July 05, 2008 »
Start: 00:00
End: 12:00

Korean Confederation of Trade Unions
[Trade Union Strategy on Bilateral FTAs]
★9:00-12:00 July 5th/Sapporo-si Kyouiku Bunka Kaikan・Training Room301, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Language: Japanese & Korean & English
This event aims at sharing the recent developments of bilateral FTAs and exploring a common strategy on FTAs
among trade union movements. Canadian, American and Japanese labour movements are also invited to this event
as speakers.
Tel:+82-2-2670-9234 Fax:+82-2-2635-1134

Start: 00:00
End: 00:00

G8 summit will be held at near the Lake TOYA in Hokkaido in this July.
Many people around the world are casting doubt upon new policies and rules for the world and its non-democratic decision making by only 8 developed countries. Therefore we are forming a variety of plans for Anti-G8 actions during G8 summit. We, NO G8 ACTIONJAPAN, have had an idea of stating that doubt through the music. Why G8? We want to make a space for considering these doubts about G8 with the music. Why G8? Is it only for the developed countries? Doing what as they like? What is G8? Explain about it! This event is for the whole people, who is holding that sort of feeling and being disconnected. A lot of music, and people are too. Vent your anger to G8. We need chaos!

      supported by NO G8 ACTION JAPAN
Date and Time : 2008/07/05 18:00-All night
Venue : Sapporo Sound•Labo•Mall

Start: 09:00
End: 12:00

Event in the International people's solidarity days
Globalization Monitor, Hong Kong.
[The rise of China, but who pays?]
★9:00∼12:00 July 5th(Sat)/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Language: Japanese & English
China's GDP ranked fourth in 2007, up from rank six in 2004. In PPP terms China ranked second. China has been
growing at 10% for two decades. Her foreign direct investment is growing fast as well. Why China can achieve
this? What is the price of such dramatic growth from a labor perspective? Is China a model for developing
countries? What is the implication for labor in the developed world? Join us to discuss these interesting

Start: 09:00
End: 13:00

Events in the International people's solidarity days
Jubilee South - Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD)
[Public Forum Illegitimate Debt, Country Cases & Responsibility of G8 & Japan]
★9:00-13:00 July 5th/Kaderu2・7/Fee:\500/Language: Japanese & English/Co-sponsors: Jubilee South -
Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD); ATTAC Japan, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC)
Japan, St Columban's Society, Jubilee Kyushu, FDC - Philippines, INSAF India, INFID Indonesia, LDC Watch,
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) and CADTM
Guests : Lidy Nacpil (JS APMDD), Speakers from Asia and Africa
The debt continues to exacerbate poverty and rob the peoples of developing countries of their human rights.
Illegitimate debts are those debts which did not benefit the populations of developing countries. Many loans
were contracted by despotic powers which then stole the cash and oppressed their people using the money.

Start: 09:00

Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
Global Climate Campaign (GCC)
[Building a global campaign for urgent climate action]
★9:00∼12:00 July 5th/Kaderu2・7, Sapporo, Hokkaido/Language: English
Discussion on how to build a global climate movement.
Practical suggestions and planning for the Global Day of Action on climate on December 6th (coinciding with
the UN Climate Talks in Poznan, Poland) - this means synchronised demonstrations and events all around the
world. Plans for a Global Day of Action for the Copenhagen Climate Talks in 2009
Our Work:
Global Climate Campaign brings people together from all around the world to demand urgent and radical action
to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate.
Specifically GCC organises synchronised demonstrations and events all around the world on a 'Global Day of
Action' on climate at the time of the annual UN climate talks in order to pressure world leaders to take

Start: 10:00
End: 12:00

Presented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)

Youth Workshop
★5th July(Sat) 10:00-12:00/Hokunou-Kenpo-Kaikan (N 4, W 7, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city)/Admission; \ 2000 (meal

Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)

Start: 10:00
End: 12:00

Presented by La Via Campesina,Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN),the National Coalition of Workers,
Farmers, and Consumers for Safe Food and Health in Japan(Shokkenren)

Open discussion on Food Sovereignty
★5th July(Sat) 10:00-12:00/W 6 square in Oodori Park (Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city)/Admission Free

Japan Family Farmers Movement (NOUMINREN)

Start: 18:00
End: 21:30

Event in the International People's Solidarity Days
[Public meeting against G8 Summit]
★18:00∼21:30 July 5th/L Plaza hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Walden Bello: Focun on the Global South
Wangui Mbatia: People's Parliament of Kenya (Bunge La Mwananchi Kenya)
Tatcee Macabuag: Migrant Forum in Asia
Myriam Bourgy: Comite' pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde,CADTM, Belgium)
Other speakers from Jubilee South, Korean Confederation of Trade Union(KCTU), La Via Campesina, Hong Kong
Globalisation Monitor, various groups in Japan.

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