Public Forum Illegitimate Debt, Country Cases & Responsibility of G8 & Japan

07/05/2008 - 09:00
07/05/2008 - 13:00

Events in the International people's solidarity days
Jubilee South - Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD)
[Public Forum Illegitimate Debt, Country Cases & Responsibility of G8 & Japan]
★9:00-13:00 July 5th/Kaderu2・7/Fee:\500/Language: Japanese & English/Co-sponsors: Jubilee South -
Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD); ATTAC Japan, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC)
Japan, St Columban's Society, Jubilee Kyushu, FDC - Philippines, INSAF India, INFID Indonesia, LDC Watch,
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) and CADTM
Guests : Lidy Nacpil (JS APMDD), Speakers from Asia and Africa
The debt continues to exacerbate poverty and rob the peoples of developing countries of their human rights.
Illegitimate debts are those debts which did not benefit the populations of developing countries. Many loans
were contracted by despotic powers which then stole the cash and oppressed their people using the money.
Illegitimate debts also include those that promoted only the interests of the lenders at the expense of the
borrowers, and debts which financed projects harmful to people, communities and environment. In many cases,
creditors extended loans in the full knowledge that the funds would not be used for effective development
purposes. In this session, we'd like to explain the concept of illegitimate debt based on concrete case
studies and discuss the possibility of cancellation/repudiation of these debts., 092-516-9052, 080-3181-1156 (July - )