『亜空間通信』660号(2003/09/12) 阿修羅投稿を再録









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米同時テロ2年 各地で追悼集会 グラウンド・ゼロ 


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 この巨大な穴に関して、わが編著『9・11事件の真相と背景』(副題:「テロ」か? 自作自演の戦争挑発謀略か?アメリカ=イスラエル=世界支配構想の核心を突く)では、「WTCビルの崩壊は、いわば殺人事件である。ところが、現場保全を一切しないまま、瓦礫を運び出してしまった。証拠をスタッテン島に運んでしまったのは、証拠隠滅と言われても仕方がないだろう」と記している。




Wife Of 911 Victim Takes On the US Government

Legal Counsel for Ellen Mariani, the wife of Louis Neil Mariani, a 911 victim has issued a press release and that she intends to fight for her late husbands honor by taking on the US government. Here is the inspiring release in its entirety PDF format More...

(PDF format)

For Immediate Release: Total = 5 Pages/text/911 Victim ’s Wife, Ellen Mariani, Plans to Fight For Her Late Husba Mariani, Plans to Fight For Her Late Husband’s Honor By Taking On U.S. Government/Philip J. Berg, Esq.

For Immediate Release: Total = 5 Pages
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
706 Ridge Pike
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-1711
Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL
Fax (610) 834-7659
Press Release:
911 Victim’s Wife, Ellen Mariani, Plans to Fight For
Her Late Husband’s Honor
By Taking On U.S. Government

States Judge Hellerstein’s Ruling Of 9/09/03 Is Just The Beginning (Lafayette Hill, PA -- 09/10/03) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, announced today that he is now representing Ellen Mariani, wife of her beloved husband and best friend, Louis Neil Mariani, who died when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9-11.

Berg stated: “Ellen Mariani from her home in Derry, New Hampshire, has authorized me to give the following statement. It is about time that Judge Hellerstein has ’allowed full Discovery in the 9-11 case to proceed.’ Or has he? Judge Hellerstein’s ruling yesterday will be defined further at a Hearing scheduled for September 26, 2003 as to material issues in these cases, that being, discovery.

On September 11, 2001, Ellen Mariani lost her beloved husband and best friend, Louis Neil Mariani, when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Mrs. Mariani was the first victim family member to bring civil action regarding the events of September 11th.

For two years Mrs. Mariani has fought not just United Airlines, but her attorneys as well, firing both the Nolan Law Group and Mary Schiavo of Baum, Headlund, Aristei, Guilford and Schiavo due to their inability to exercise Mrs. Mariani’s rights to the truth. Mrs. Mariani is now represented by the Law Offices of Philip J. Berg of Lafayette Hill, PA. Through Mr. Berg's office, Mrs. Mariani will now initiate acquisition of all relevant facts and will pursue discovery even to the highest levels of government regarding the secrets of 9-11.

We as a Nation of people versed in the highest technologies in the world have allowed America to fall into the hands of a few corrupt and selfserving individuals.

Mrs. Mariani has been continuously harassed [by letters and telephone calls] by provocateurs linked to the 9-11 Victim's Compensation Fund headed by Special Master Kenneth Feinberg of the U.S. Department of Justice. In every fashion, these individuals have been hounding Mrs. Mariani while also attempting to manipulate her into the Feinberg “Fund” so she would be forced to promise never to sue the government of the United States.

Mariani has previously advised Mr. Feinberg through her lawyers, that this is not about money. Rather, it is about truth and justice. And Mrs Mariani has decided not to "roll-over, shut up, and get over it."

Moreover, the Red Cross has never fully compensated victim family members commensurate with what generous and giving people contributed out of their heartfelt sympathy and concern for the victim families. As a matter of fact, the Red Cross has sought more and more information from the families that has only served to stall their access to funds that would cover their mounting bills.

Thus, Red Cross delays have in effect thrown needy families into the waiting arms of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and Kenneth Feinberg while also serving to keep the government of the United States out of the courtroom via what Mariani originally termed "the Feinberg hush fund."

Strangely, while Mr. Feinberg has maintained total control over fund settlements, he allowed the Red Cross to extend payments in the millions from these donations to displaced renters and homeowners who did not even lose a family member, and also to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) workers, all of whom should have been paid from FEMA's wellestablished and budgeted funds approved by Congress

In other words, the Red Cross allowed the U.S. government to use Red Cross funds specifically donated to the families who lost their loved ones, said funds given to other parties, which only helped to extend and intensify the financial difficulties of victims family members, as many just decided to give up and submit to Kenneth Feinberg's fund while also absolving the government of the United States of all future accountability

And that notwithstanding, Homeland Security Director Thomas Ridge also sits on the Board of Directors for the Red Cross, thus providing the means for government manipulation of Red Cross private contributions for the purpose of shielding accountability for members of the government of M:€911 files€Mariani 9-11 Press Release 09 10 03 A Released Vir1.doc 4 the United States via "promises not to sue in exchange for minimal compensation."

Mrs. Mariani has promised, in her husband Neil's memory, to discover the perpetrators behind the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the shoot-down of American flight 93 in Pennsylvania. To that end, she will never submit to Special Master Feinberg and his participation in protecting government officials from future accountability.” [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate, a political activist, an attorney with offices in Montgomery County and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA.]
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Philip J. Berg, Esq.
706 Ridge Pike
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-1711
(610) 662-3005 - Cell
(800) 993-PHIL
(610) 825-3134
(610) 834-7659 Fax
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