『亜空間通信』673号(2003/10/02) 阿修羅投稿を再録






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 以下の記事の題名の中のCrunch Timeを、私は、最後の危機の土壇場と解釈する。手許の安物英英辞典では、crunchに、以下の説明がある。

an important and often unpleasant situation



the independent commission investigating the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001


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 上記を見てから、以下の英文を見る方が、事情は分かり易いであろう。委員会の共同議長、the 9/11 commission co-chairmanには、former Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indianaとあるから、これだけで電網検索すると、アメリカのnewsday.comの同文の記事が出てきた。以下、アメリカの電網宝庫のURLを二つ紹介しておく。


 以下が、昨晩入手したjihadunspunの記事である。以下の冒頭には、Muslim Daily Alert経由のNewsdayの記事であるとの断り書きがある。

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White House Faces Crunch Time on 911 Files
Sep 30, 2003
Source: Newsday Via Muslim Daily Alert

Two weeks and counting.

After that, the independent commission investigating the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, says it is going to blow the whistle. Again.

"We spend a long time on negotiating on access," said former Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana, the 9/11 commission co-chairman. "And we have laid down a marker here in which we indicate that we need this information in two weeks' time. So we are approaching a crunch point, I believe."

You may wonder why, two years after the attacks that slaughtered more than 3,000 people and set the United States on a course of indefinite war, it has come down to these two weeks. The families of Sept. 11 surely do. It is nine months, after all, since the commission - the only one empowered to fully probe the events of that day - was established. There are only eight more left until, by law, it expires.

The answer is that the White House has never wanted this commission. It fought against it for a year. Once it became politically impossible to stop, the administration engaged in a rear-guard action to slow its work, a stall meant to last until May, when the panel goes out of existence. Documents and witnesses were coming forth with such determined sluggishness that Hamilton, a Democrat, and his Republican counterpart, former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, voiced concern about being thwarted. Since their extraordinary public complaint in July, much has gone better. Surprise.

"We had, shortly after that, a genuine flood of documents," Kean said at the panel's briefing on Tuesday.

Even from the White House. And except from the White House.

"Pending requests seek additional sensitive documents," the commission's latest report to the people says. "Extensive negotiations" continue and the commission has received "certain assurances" - but not all it needs - from the White House.

"We will inform the public very promptly if the commission does not receive the access that we need to do our job," Kean said.

The joint congressional committee that probed intelligence failures before the 9/11 attacks wrote, in its final report, a 15-page appendix about this very trouble. "Access Limitations Encountered by the Joint Inquiry," the chapter is called.

Information withheld from Congress included the president's daily brief, especially a crucial one produced in August 2001 that warned of possible terrorist attacks, including hijackings. Information relating to the development of a Bush counter-terrorism policy before 9/11 also was kept from the lawmakers.

"We will be very disappointed if we have to have such an appendix," Kean said.

The secrecy does not arise from worry over classified material. Reams of it was given to the congressional inquiry. More has gone to the independent commission. In the end, the executive branch agencies - the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Department, the White House - have the power to black out sensitive material from any eventual public report. Remember those 28 blank pages in the congressional report that are said to be about the Saudis?

"We have no power to declassify," Hamilton said. "The declassification power resides with the president."

So, too, does the power to let the 9/11 commission do its job.

In two weeks' time, this president must decide. He can live up to the rhetoric of cooperation and allow a full and fair inquiry into the catas
trophe that redefined his presidency and all of our lives. Or he can assert executive privilege, withholding from the panel whatever White House documents, pretty much, he chooses.

The commission then would be duty-bound to tell us what these are. How could it do otherwise? The truth is not to be found in acquiescence.

The choice, when it is made, will have nothing at all to do with national security, though this would undoubtedly be the claim. It is, in the end, a matter of political security and how this White House decides to define it.
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