Christians in Japan Appeal for
War Resistance in News Ad

In response to a series of legislations for Japan's war-making and military dispatch to lraq following the war on the country, the Christian Network for Peace, an interdenominational peace movement in Japan, has been promoting a campaign to raise 2.5 million yen (approximately 30.000 U.S. dollars) from August until the end of October. The idea is to spend the money for a news advertisement declaring resistance to war and support for pe~ce with 5.000 signatories. The ad is scheduled to appear in early December during the Advbnt season in the three of main Christian newspapers in Japan (Kirisuto Shinbun, Kirishitan Shinbun, and the Catholic Shinbun). It is the hope that such an ad will bring the Japanese community to a deeper awareness of the importance of beace.

Reported by Hisashi Yukimoto. JCAN's
Contributing Edit.
to Ms. Mikako NISHIHARA
NCCJ Executive Secretary for
Peace and Nulcear Issues Committee