NCCJ Establishes A New Category of Membership

NCCJ, whose finances have been primarily based on the dues paid by its member churches and organizations, has established a new membership for supporters including individual Christians, people of other faiths, civic groups, and people in general. You now can join as an individual member of NCCJ! ! ! Up to now, it has always been organizations and churches but now individuals can join ! Right now the membership fees are 1000 yen, 3000 yen, 5000 yen, and 10000 yen. The fees at the present time can only be accepted in yen but soon we hope to make this membership available to all our overseas supporters. Be a part of NCCJ and support our various ministries and. programs ! See below a list of all the member churches and organizations of NCCJ. We have not yet included the new members.
Postal account no OO180 4 75788
Account name "Nihon Kinsutokyo kyogikan "