【JCJ神奈川支部例会】「気候変動と平和への取り組み」 講師・プロバイダー:武本 匡弘さん(NPO法人 気候危機対策ネットワーク代表)6月29日(土)午後3時から5時 かながわ県民センター

3 months ago
■開催趣旨 いま、人類を脅かす深刻な危機にはどんなものがあるでしょうか。戦争、パンデミック、環境破壊……。それらは人類の行動が原因で引き起こされている現象です。その中でも海洋の自然破壊は深刻です。確実に死に向かっている海のほうが多くなっているという現実があります。 海水温の上昇は異常気象の原因となっています。さらに海洋の生態系に影響を及ぼし、多くの生物種が絶滅の脅威にさらされています。そして、こうした自然破壊はその原因となる生活を続ける先進諸国より先に、発展途上国の人々を脅か..

Shhh. Did you hear that?

3 months ago

It’s Day One of EFF’s summer membership drive for internet freedom! Gather round the virtual campfire because I’ve got special treats and a story for you:

  1. New member t-shirts and limited-edition gear drop TODAY.

  2. Through EFF's 34th birthday on July 10, you can get 2 rare gifts and become an EFF member for just $20! AND new automatic monthly or annual donors get an instant match.

  3. I’m proud to share the first post in a series from our friends, The Encryptids—the rarely-seen enigmas who inspire campfire lore. But this time, they’re spilling secrets about how they survive this ever-digital world. We begin by checking in with the legendary Bigfoot de la Sasquatch...

EFF Membership Team



eople say I'm the most famous of The Encryptids, but sometimes I don't want the spotlight. They all want a piece of me: exes, ad trackers, scammers, even the government. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but my digital profile is worth cash (to skeezy data brokers). I can’t hit a city block without being captured by doorbell cameras, CCTV, license plate readers, and a maze of street-level surveillance. It can make you want to give up on privacy altogether. Honey, no. Why should you have to hole up in some dank, busted forest for freedom and respect? You don’t.

Privacy isn't about hiding. It's about revealing what you want to who you want on your terms. It's your basic right to dignity.

Privacy isn't about hiding...It's your basic right to dignity.

A wise EFF technologist once told me, “Nothing makes you a ghost online.” So what we need is control, sweetie! You're not on your own! EFF worked for decades to set legal precedents for us, to push for good policy, fight crap policy, and create tools so you can be more private and secure on the web RIGHT NOW. They even have whole ass guides that help people around the world protect themselves online. For free!

I know a few things about strangers up in your business, leaked photos, and wanting to live in peace. Your rights and freedoms are too important to leave them up to tech companies and politicians. This world is a better place for having people like the lawyers, activists, and techs at EFF.

Join EFF

Privacy is a "human" right

Privacy is a team sport and the team needs you. Sign up with EFF today and not only can you get fun stuff (featuring ya boy Footy), you’ll make the internet better for everyone.


Bigfoot DLS


EFF is a member-supported U.S. 501(c)(3) organization celebrating TEN YEARS of top ratings from the nonprofit watchdog Charity Navigator! Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Bigfoot de la Sasquatch

[B] 【世界難民の日企画】クルド人支援団体によるオンライン講演会(6/15)とクルド難民写真展(6/17-22) 都内で開催予定

3 months 1 week ago

情報通信審議会 電気通信事業政策部会 ユニバーサルサービス政策委員会 ブロードバンドサービスに関するユニバーサルサービス制度における交付金・負担金の算定等に関するワーキンググループ(第8回)

3 months 1 week ago
情報通信審議会 電気通信事業政策部会 ユニバーサルサービス政策委員会 ブロードバンドサービスに関するユニバーサルサービス制度における交付金・負担金の算定等に関するワーキンググループ(第8回)