DebtNet通信 (vol.1 #16)  




Dear Executive Director,
I am writing to you in your capacity as an Executive Director.
It is unacceptable that highly indebted poor countries continue to pay such high levels of debt service while funding for basic human services such as health and education remains so low. In response to the recent foot-in-mouth outbreak an average of 19 900 animals have been slaughtered daily since the beginning of the outbreak; over the same period of time the debt crisis continues to claim the lives of 19 000 children on average per day. The human suffering is no less a tragedy simply because it has receives less media attention.
I therefore call on you to take action at the upcoming Spring meetings:
Firstly, by recommending to the International Monetary and Financial Committee meeting on Sunday April 29 that the World Bank and the IMF cancel 100 per cent of HIPC debt. A recent audit of the IMF and the World Bank by an independent firm of accountants, Chantrey Vellacott, has concluded that "the existing debts due to the World Bank and IMF could be completely cancelled without jeopardizing the ability of the World Bank and the IMF to carry out their overall functions." Such cancellation would follow the lead set by all members of the G7 who have already agreed to cancel 100 per cent of bilateral HIPC debt.
And secondly, by strongly urging the Development Committee on Monday April 30 to ensure a major overhaul of HIPC whose current form it is inadequate. Of the 22 countries to receive 'relief' under HIPC by the end of last year, 16 continue to spend more on debt service than health and 9 pay more on debt service than education. These broad statistics represent untold human suffering. Clearly the HIPC is not an effective response to the debt crisis, a fact that even the World Bank's own research has recently shows. As Kofi Annan has stated, "a bolder approach will have to be taken" to end the debt crisis holding so many in poverty.
The world's poorest people deserve a chance at life free from the burden of debt.
Yours truly,
[your name and email]


Global Aids Alliance(GAA)より、6月23日、国連エイズ特別総会と、続く、ジェノバのG7サミットに向けて、ニューヨークの国連本部前で、デモをすることを呼びかけています。スローガンは、米国などG7、国連諸機関に対して、「Stop Global AIDS Now」です。この日は、また「世界ゲイ・デー」の恒例のデモの日でもあります。

1981年6月、Center for Disease Controlがはじめてエイズについての報告書を発表してから、丁度20年になります。6月23日のデモはその記念日に当ります。
