Subject: [cwj 4] Action Alert: Support Newly Elected Kumamoto Governor
From: Yoko Nishida <> (by way of Corporate Watch in Japanese <>)
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 12:25:54 -0700
Seq: 4

Dear Friends,

I'd like to ask for your help.
Please send messages to our newly elected governer.

>Newly Elected Kumamoto Governor Needs Help!
>Kumamoto, Japan
>On April 16, Yoshiko Shiotani was elected the first female governor of
>Kumamoto in Southern Japan A longtime bone of contention in the area, the
>Kawabegawa Dam, another prime pork barrel project was something she had
>originally supported.
>Upon election in a rather unusual move for a newly elected official who
>usually turn the other way she in two interviews with a local radio
>personality and newspaper said she would support an environmental
>assessment of the new dam which has been opposed by local residents since
>Both environmentalists and local supporters of the project were caught off
>guard by her about face  but `The system` moved fast.  Within hours and as
>we speak the governors mansion has been surrounded by right wing sound
>trucks and she has received threats and pressure from every corner to
>rescind her stand.
>Thursday, April 20 is the first official day of her term as governor and
>supporters are asking people of conscience from throughout the world to
>support this extremely rare and courageous governor.
>While the proposal seems simple enough - a requirement that there be an
>environmental impact report before the dam can be approved - `the system`
>usually gets its way and the pressure is so great that many are worried if
>she will be able to withstand it.
>Supporters are asking that this message be sent to as many as possible so
>that by April 20th, her first day in office support from throughout the
>world can be sufficient to give her the courage to withstand the near
>fascist attacks that are being made on her to the point that she has been
>fearful to leave her residence.
>For those not in the know,  in neo-nazi form,  Japanese rightist groups
>have circled her residence in large trucks, loudspeakers blaring in a
>blatant attempt to silence her before she officially takes office on April
>As always the authorities stand by and do nothing! Please help this
>woman as she stands up for principle at great personal cost!.
>Those who can send a word of encouragement to the new governor in her
>courageous stand, can send email to:
>Hon. Yoshiko Shiotani
>Kumamoto Prefecture
>Kumamoto, Japan
>Faxes can be sent to:
>  FAX:+81-96-358-2066 (Governor office)

Unfortunately, she took back her request of Environmental Inpact 
Assessment on the Kawabegawa dam project on press conference on 
20th. But I still beleave she wants to do it and she think the dam 
project is wrong. Because of Japan's politics system she could not 
do anything but taking back, She can't have cooperates from members 
of the prefectural assembly because almost all of them want to promote 
the project.
We are going to support, work on and send messages to our newly 
elected governor. I'd like you to send messages that encourage her, please.

Thank you!

Yoko Nishida <>
552 Nakashima-machi, Kumamoto-shi, 
Kumamoto Japan 861-5272
pnone&fax +81-96-329-0759

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