ムミア支援運動が山場を迎えています。以下に、REFUSE & RESISTのクラーク・キッシンジャーからの最新情報を転載します。




したがって、連邦レベルの裁判所での争いとなっているのだが、ここでの問題は1996年に制定された the Effective Death Penalty Act (効率的死刑法)である。
【10/10 今井注/1999年10月4日、連邦最高裁がムミアの上訴を退けたので、裁判はすでに次の段階に入った。つまり、連邦地裁に対して人身保護請求を提出する段階になっている】


ムミアは10月末までに habeas corpus (人身保護請求)を提出しなければならない。 habeas corpus が提出されると、連邦裁判所はムミアに対する州の各級裁判所の判決が法的に正しく下されたかどうかの見直しを行うことになる。(これはあくまでも純粋な法律解釈のプロセスである)





州レベルの法手続は終了しているが、まだリッジ州知事は死刑執行命令を出していない。彼がこの執行命令を出せば、連邦地裁は、そこでの決定を下すまでの間、死刑執行を延期するように命令を出すだろう。だが、知事の執行命令から連邦地裁による執行延期命令までの期間、ムミアは Death watch (執行の期日指定がされた死刑囚が収容される執行のための特別の監房)に入れられ、きわめてひどい状況をよぎなくされる(いわゆるフェイズ2という状態で、外部交通の極度の制限などをうける/今井)。

今年の早い時期に、ムミアの弁護団は連邦最高裁に対して writ of certiorari (事件移送命令書)を提出した。これは、通常の連邦裁判所でのプロセスの前に、先に連邦最高裁が直接事件をとりあげて調査するように要求するもので、法律的に重要な争点が含まれていると判断した場合、連邦最高裁がこれを受け入れる場合がある。その場合、ムミアのケースでは、連邦最高裁は、一審段階でムミアが自分で自分の弁護をすることが許されなかったこと、およびそれに抗議したさいに、彼が法廷から排除されたことが憲法に違反しないかどうかの判断を求められることになる。しかし、 writ of certiorari が認められることはきわめてまれで、通常は、連邦地裁に担当させるよう決定することが多い。そして連邦地裁が再審を認めなければ、次は連邦第三巡回控訴裁判所に上訴することとなるし、もし連邦地裁がムミアの訴えを認めたとしても、今度は州政府側が巡回裁判所に上訴するのは疑いない。





より詳しいことはREFUSE & RESISTのWEBサイトで読むことができる。



>From: "C. Clark Kissinger"

Summary of Mumia's Current Legal Situation (September 1999)
by C. Clark Kissinger

Because many people have requested an explanation of Mumia's legal situation, let me explain concisely why Mumia's case is at a critical pointas we go into the September Mumia Awareness Week.

All appeals by Mumia Abu-Jamal in the Pennsylvania court system have been denied, and he is about to begin his appeals in the federal courts. Under the restrictive terms of the Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, Mumia must file his petition for a writ of habeas corpus before the end of October,1999. Habeas corpus is simply the technical legal term for asking the federal courts to review whether Mumia has been sentenced legally by the state courts.

This is a most critical moment in the whole appeals process. At the beginning of October, a federal district judge in Philadelphia will be asked to hold a hearing on Mumia's petition. If he agrees, this hearing will be Mumia's LAST opportunity to present the evidence and witnesses denied by the Pennsylvania court system. After the federal district court, higher appeals courts will only review tran-scripts -- they will not hear new evidence.

The federal judge who gets this case is not required to grant a hearing. He could simply read the trial transcripts and issue a ruling. In fact, the 1996 federal law is specifically designed to discourage fed-eral courts from reviewing and overturning death sentences handed down in the state courts.

This is why public action for Mumia in September is so important -- the government has to hear a loud popu-lar demand for a new trial for Mumia.

Although the state court action is finished, the governor of Pennsylvania has not yet signed a new death warrant. If he does sign a death warrant, the federal district court will issue a stay, preventing an execution (until the federal district court rules). But until the federal court issues a stay, Mumia would be put under the horrible new conditions of a Death watch.

Earlier this year, Mumia's legal team also petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari. This is a request to the Supreme Court to look at the case before it works its way up through the nor-mal federal appeals process. Sometimes the Supreme Court will do this, when an important legal question is presented. In Mumia's case, the Supreme Court is being asked to consider whether it was constitutional to deny him the right to act as his own attorney and to bar him from the court room when he protested this denial. Most petitions for cert are denied by the Supreme Court. The court prefers to allow cases to work their way up through the normal appeals process.

If the judge at the federal district court level rules against him, Mumia will then appeal to the federal 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. But if the judge rules in favor of Mumia, the state of Pennsylvania is sure to appeal to the 3rd Circuit Court. So there will be two rounds of federal court action in Philadelphia over the next year (the district court and the circuit court of appeals).

In general, action in the federal courts will go much faster than it did in the state courts. Thus we are now entering the final phase of the battle to save Mumia's life. This is why we must proceed with a greater sense of urgency and determination.

For more details, see my longer article That's Next in the Courts for Mumia, which can be found in the Mumia Resource Book or on the Refuse & Resist! web site at: