
August 25, 1999



  1. 独房内での私物の所持の禁止。裁判関係書類も閲読が禁止される。
  2. 電話をする場合、そのたびに一回一回、刑務所長の許可を得なければならない。
  3. 直近の家族以外の面会の禁止。
  4. 独房内での24時間のカメラによる監視。
  5. 私服の着用の禁止。何時間も裸で放置される可能性がある。
  6. 弁護士との面会にも、刑務所当局による監視がつく。

1)〜6)の後につづく文章は、直接この執行命令の件と関係が薄いので訳していませんが、この間のムミアに対する反動キャンペーンについてふれたものです。「ムミアへの新たな攻撃」「ムミア告発者の信用性」「Vanity Fairへの抗議行動」などの記事を参照してください。


リッジ知事: 717-787-2500
レンデル市長: 215-686-3000



To: News Editor

For Immediate International Release

Contacts: Pam Africa 215-476-8812
Clark Kissinger 718-797-9044
Death Warrant for Mumia Abu-Jamal imminent say Pennsylvania Officials Harrisburg, PA. August 24, 1999. State officials say Governor Ridge may sign a death warrant for Mumia Abu-Jamal at any time, according to a recent article in the Philadelphia Daily News. Once a death warrant is signed Mr. Jamal will be effectively silenced. He will be moved from a regular death row cell into "Phase II", where highly restrictive conditions of imprisonment will be applied:
  1. No property allowed in cell - no access to legal papers.
  2. No phone calls except with the Warden's permission, call by call.
  3. Visits only by immediate family.
  4. 24 hour camera surveillance in cell.
  5. No clothes provided for prisoner's possession. May be left naked in cell for hours.
  6. Visits with attorneys only under surveillance by staff/guards.
Meanwhile the public relations war surrounding his case continues. An astonishing claim by Maureen Faulkner, widow of the police officer Mr. Jamal is accused of shooting, was outlined by Linn Washington in a recent Philadelphia Tribune column. According to her claim, Mr. Jamal turned and smiled at her in the courtroom when her husband's bloodstained and bullet-ridden jacket was exhibited to the jury during his trial. The only problem with her claim is that Mr. Jamal was not in the courtroom the day the jacket was exhibited, proven by trial transcripts. In fact, he wasexcluded from most of his trial and was not allowed to represent himself. Mrs. Faulkner has maintained that Mr. Jamal has no support in Philadelphia for a new trial. However, among the notable citizens of Philadelphia calling for a new trial are: Chaka Fattah, Reverend Henry Wills, Henry Nichols (President of 1199), John Street, Professor Tony Montero, Professor Sonya Sanchez, State Senator Vincent Hughes, State Representative Harold James, Reverend Sheppard, and many others.
Buzz Bissinger (in Vanity Fair) and Sam Donaldson (on ABC's 20/20) recently championed Philip Bloch, praising him as a man of courage for coming forward to reveal that Mr. Jamal had "confessed" to him in 1992. They were unaware that Mr. Bloch wrote to Mumia in 1993 expressing his belief in Mumia's innocence. Furthermore, Bloch paid $20 in 1995 to have his name added to a newspaper ad listing those who believed Mumia was innocent. The ad appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Harrisburg Patriot-News and declared "We care about Mumia because there is compelling evidence pointing to his innocence." Mr. Bissinger and Mr. Donaldson bought into Phil Bloch's lie.
Buzz Bissinger has been the primary publicist for current Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell, District Attorney when Mr. Jamal was tried and sentenced to death in 1982. Rendell is now contemplating a run for Governor and it is widely believed that if Mr. Jamal were to receive a new trial at the Federal level evidence would emerge that would seriously damage Rendell's political career.

Governor Ridge: 717-787-2500
Mayor Rendell: 215-686-3000
Phil Bloch: **************--30--