Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 17:31:16 +0900 (JST) From: tank X-Length: 00003af4 Subject: NEW MUMIA BREAKTHROUGH !! To: Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 10:46:19 +0200 (MET DST) Sender: From: Marpessa Kupendua Subject: NEW MUMIA BREAKTHROUGH!! A press conference was held on May 22, 1996 at City Hall, Philadelphia for the purpose of announcing that Len Weinglass, Abu-Jamal's attorney, has gotten a sworn affadavit from Veronica Jones saying that she lied at Mumia's trial in 1982 because of fierce pressure by the police. This is a major breakthrough, and Weinglass is demanding that the Supreme Court bounce the case back to Judge Sabo, who must be compelled to hear more testimony on this part of Mumia's appeal. What follows is the introduction to the brief filed May 22, 1996 in Philadelphia on behalf of Mumia, as well as Exhibit 1: VERIFIED STATEMENT OF VERONICA JONES. ================================ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA EASTERN DISTRICT _____________________________________ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Appellee, v. MUMIA ABU-JAMAL a.k.a. Wesley Cook, Appellant. ______________________________________ No. 119 Cap. App. Dkt. 1995 APPELLANT MUMIA ABU-JAMAL'S APPLICATION FOR RELIEF IN THE FORM OF A REMAND TO TAKE ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY Appellant Mumia Abu-Jamal ("Jamal") respectfully applies for relief in the form of a remand to the Court of Common Pleas for the purpose of taking the additional testimony of Veronica Jones, a newly-available witness, in support of his Amended Petition for Post-Conviction Relief. Jones will provide powerful new evidence that days before she took the stand as a defense eyewitness at the 1982 trial, Philadelphia police detectives had visited her in jail, where she faced major felony armed robbery charges, and threatened and coerced her to change her testimony. Bowing to this police intimidation, Jones changed her testimony at trial by repudiating her true eyewitness statement that she saw two men flee the scene immediately after the shooting, thus seriously undermining Jamal's defense. In further support of this Application for Relief, Jamal submits the attached verified statement of Veronica Jones (Exhibit 1, "Jones Ver.") and states as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. Veronica Jones was called as a defense witness at Jamal's 1982 trial but surprised the defense by repudiating her initial eyewitness account that she saw two men run from the crime scene immediately after shots were fired. (Tr. 6/29/82: 99-100.) As explained in more detail below, Jones would now testify that she changed her testimony in ways harmful to the defense because she was coerced into doing so by police. At the time of Jamal's trial, Jones was under arrest on serious felony charges (including robbery, assault and weapons charges), facing a possible prison term of 10 to 15 years. Shortly before she testified as a defense witness, Philadelphia police detectives visited her in jail and promosed she would be treated leniently on her pending hcarges if she falsely identified Jamal as the shooter. The detectives impressed on Jones that she "would face years in prison" if she did anything to help Jamal's defense. (Jones Ver. 2.) Because of this police intimidation, Jones gave false testimony at Jamal's trial and retracted her true eyewitness account that two men fled the scene immediately after the shooting. 2. Jones' newly available testimony is critical for several reasons. Her true eyewitness account of two men fleeing provides powerful evidence of the defense claim that the shooter fled the scene. As explained below, the prosecution case was premised on the claim that only two people -- Jamal and his brother William Cook -- were at the scene with P.O. Faulkner when Faulkner was shot. Contrary to the prosecution claim, several witnesses told police that one or more men had been at the scene and fled. Yet only one witness, Dessie Hightower, testified to that fact before the jury. At the 1995 PCRA hearing another witness (cabdriver Robert Chobert), who at trial had retracted his claim that he saw the shooter run awayt, revealed that he had received a prosecution promise to help him reinstate his suspended drivers' license. William Singletary, indisputably a witness at the scene, explained that police suppressed his statement that the shooter fled and forced him to sign a false witness statement under intense police pressure and intimidation. Dessie Hightower described how police subjected him to a grueling five hour interrogation and a polygraph test because he insisted he saw someone flee the scene. And Deborah Kordansky, who also saw someone running immediately after the shooting, could not be called as a defense witness at trial because the Commonwealth had not provided the defense her address before trial. Further, Jones' testimony supports the defense claim that similar police misconduct was used to coerce a key prosecution witness, the prostitute Cynthia White, to falsely identify Jamal as the shooter. The police intimidation of Jones thus corroborates and buttresses all Jamal's other claims of prosecutorial misconduct and witness coercion. . . . =========================================== =========================================== [AT THIS POINT, LET'S GO STRAIGHT TO MS. JONES' NEW STATEMENT] =========================================== =========================================== IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA EASTERN DISTRICT No. 119 Capital Appeal Docket ________________________________ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Appellee, against MUMIA ABU-JAMAL a.k.a. Wesley Cook, Appellant : VERIFIED STATEMENT : OF VERONICA JONES ---------------------------------- I, VERONICA JONES, verify that the facts set forth in following statement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, subject to the penalties for unsworn falsification to authorities as provided under 18 PA.C.S. sec. 4904,: 1. On June 29, 1982 I was called by the defense to testify as a witness in the trial of Commonwealth v. Jamal, Nos. 1357- 1359, January Sessions, 1982. I testified as a eyewitness to what had occurred in the early morning hours of December 9, 1981 when officer Daniel Faulkner was shot on Locust Street between 12th and 13th Streets in downtown Philadelphia. My testimony with respect to what I saw was not truthful because two detectives told me prior to my testifying that I wouldn't "have to worry" about serious felony charges I then faced if I put the blame on Jamal for killing the officer. Specifically, at trial I repeatedly denied seeing two individuals run or jog from the scene of the shooting after the shots were fired and the policeman fell prior to the arrival of the police. That testimony was fales. In fact, I did see two men leave the scene in a hurry as was previously reported by me to the police in an earlier signed interview. 2. The circumstances of how this came about are as follows: on June 12, 1982, approximately two weeks prior to my testifying in the Jamal case, I was arrested on major felony charges (CP 8206-3059, robbery, assault, gun and multiple other charges). Bail was too high for me to meet and when I appeared as a witness, I was still in custody, confined to the Philadelphia County jail. I was told that I faced 10-15 years in prison if convicted of those charges. Approximately one week before I testified I was visited in jail by two white plainclothes detectives. I was initially shocked at seeing them since the jailers had told me my lawyer was visiting. The detectives began by speaking, not of the facts of my case, but of the Jamal case. They told me that if I would testify against jamal and identify Jamal as the shooter I wouldn't have to worry about my pending felony charges. I repeatedly told the detectives that I didn't see the shooting, but only heard the shots and then saw two men run away. But this didn't satisfy them. The detectives threatened me by reminding me that I faced a long prison sentence -- fifteen years on gun charges -- all the while persisting that I testify to their version of events. Frightened, I told them I wanted my lawyer present. When they finally left I knew that if I did anything to help the Jamal defense I would face years in prison. It was only a matter of a few days that I was brought to court. I thought I was going to appear in my case. To my surprise when I was brought into court I found myself in the midst of the Jamal case. Both detectives who had threatened me earlier were in plain view, standing in the rear of the courtroom. When asked by Jamal's attorney to confirm what I had first told the police -- that I saw two males run from the scene after the firing stopped -- I steadfastly denied it for fear that I would be punished for helping the defense. At that time I was twenty-one years old and the mother of three young children. 3. Subsequent to my appearance in the Jamal case, I made bail. I was released from jail and ultimately sentenced to probation on all the outstanding felony charges. 4. This is what I actually observed the night of the shooting: I was standing on the northwest corner of Locust and 12th Street when I heard three shots. I looked around a building on the corner and down Locust Street toward 13th Street in the direction of the shooting. It was then that I saw a policeman down on the ground and two black men first walk and then sort of jog away from where he was lying on the ground. I also observed another black man standing near the Speedline entrance on the southeast corner of Locust and 13th Street. Wanting to see what happened at closer range I walked toward 13th Street on the north side of Locust and got half way there when I saw the lights of appproaching police cars and turned and went back to 12th Street. From there I walked a circuitous route around the scene of the shooting by going south on 12th Street to Pine, then west on Pine to Broad and thence north to where Broad and Locust intersect. From that vantage point I could see police activity by looking eastward up Locust. During none of this time did I see a prostitute who I knew as "Lucky" but whose real name is Cynthia White. 5. Within a week of the incident, two Philadelphia detective and one from Camden, not the ones who saw me prior to my testimony, came to my mother's house in Camden after 9 p.m. on the night of December 15, 1981, to interview me. They had not called in advance and I didn't expect them. I agreed to talk to them just the same. My mother was present. They wrote a five page statement in their own hand after questioning me. They also drew a diagram. I signed both documents. As I've already mentioned, the written description of what I saw on the night in question, which I disavowed on the witness stand, is, in the main, accurate as far as it goes, particularly the part about seeing two men "sort of jogging" away from the fallen officer. There were, however, errors on the diagram which I tried to correct during my testimony in court. I did not meet or talk to any representative of the defense prior to my testifying despite the fact that it was they who had called me as a witness. 6. When cross-examined by the assistant district attorney during the trial I agreed with his suggestion, when confronted with my statement, that "most of what [you] said in that statement is not true." (page 147 of the transcript of 6/29/82). That testimony was false. I also lied when I responded to defense counsel's urging that I saw two men jog away from the scene with the absolute falsehood: "No one moved." (page 99 of the transcript of 6/29/82). 7. In all, I had three contacts with the police or police detectives after the shooting: once on December 15th when I gave the statement at my mother's house; agains some time later when uniformed officers at the Sixth District arrested and interrogated me for hours and offered me immunity from further arrest for prostitution if I would identify Jamal as the shooter, the same deal given Cynthia White (Lucky); and lastly, when two detectives met with me in jail after I was arrested on felony charges just prior to my testifying and frightened me into changing my testimony so as not to help the defense. 8. Back then I used several aliases when arrested, including Rhonda Harris and Louise Tatum, and gave police incorrect home addresses, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers. After my release I left the Philadelphia/Camden area. For most of the time since then I lived outside of Pennsylvania. I still maintain an unlisted telephone number. 9. I make this statement of my own free will after being contacted for the first time by representative of Mr. Jamal. No one has threatened me, offered me any benefit, or any promise of any kind, in exchange for making this statement. I do so now only because it is the truth and corrects the false testimony I gave at trial. Signed: VERONICA JONES