14th International Week Of Science and Peace
(IWOSP 1999)

8th - 14th, November, 1999


What is IWOSP?

IWOSP is a worldwide action week devoted to the topic "Science and Peace" which, since 1986, takes place annually during the week (Monday to Sunday) within which November 11th falls (Armistice Day).

Think global, act local! IWOSP puts this motto into action. The key idea is to increase the public impact of small local events by concentrating many of them in a short time interval and publicizing them as part of a worldwide event. Initially organized on a private basis, IWOSP was given an official status by United Nations General AssemblyResolution 43/61 'Science and Peace' on December 6th 1988.

A brief history of IWOSP is described by Alan Cottey as a separate article.

What you can do?

You can take part in IWOSP by organizing or supporting a local event with participation of scientists related to the topic "Science and Peace", for example a lecture, seminar, debate, slide show, etc. The following are just a few of the many important and topical subjects which IWOSP can address:

The event could be at a university, school, public library ... It could be addressed to colleagues, students, school students, local politicians, journalists ... And you could inform local media about your activity and send them a copy of the U.N. resolution.

Please do not forget also to inform the IWOSP National Coordinator in your country or the
Chairwoman Dr. Hildegard Faessler
, Kaiser-Franz-Josef Str. 12, A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.+Fax: ++43-(0).512.565873
E-mail: hildegard.faessler@uibk.ac.at