28 1000枚のデジタル写真 (現地時間 2004年05月05日 04:10:11発 日本時間 06日 14:21:22受信)



     Mixed in with more than 1,000 digital pictures obtained by The Washington Post are photographs of naked men, apparently prisoners, sprawled on top of one another while soldiers stand around them. There is another photograph of a naked man with a dark hood over his head, handcuffed to a cell door. And another of a naked man handcuffed to a bunk bed, his arms splayed so wide that his back is arched. A pair of women's underwear covers his head and face.
     The pictures obtained by The Post include shots of soldiers simulating sexually explicit acts with one another and shots of a cow being skinned and gutted and soldiers posing with its severed head. There are also dozens of pictures of a cat's severed head.
     Other photographs show wounded men and corpses. In one, a dead man is lying in the back of a truck, his shirt, face and left arm covered in blood. His right arm is missing. Another photograph shows a body, gray and decomposing. A young soldier is leaning over the corpse, smiling broadly and giving the "thumbs-up" sign.
     And in another picture a young woman lifts her shirt, exposing her breasts. She is wearing a white band with numbers on her wrist, but it is unclear whether she is a prisoner.

 フランスのリベラシオンに、次のような意味の記事が載っていました(超適当訳)。( http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=202196# )
 一連の通信、ありがとうございます。それらは、すべて「ベ平連」のサイトの「室謙二のアメリカ通信」転載させていただいています。また、ご覧になっておられるかもしれませんが、私の個人サイトの「News」欄No. 116 に紹介してある「反戦翻訳団」のサイト →  http://blog.livedoor.jp/awtbrigade/ は、次々と、関連ニュースを日本語に翻訳して掲載しており、助かります。
 室 謙二

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